For many parts of the country, the time for outdoor dining is drawing to a close. For many other outdoor venues, business continues as usual. Either way, you should take a look at the many Closeout Sale outdoor restaurant furniture items.
With savings as high as 26% on select BFM Seating chairs and table tops and bases, now is the time to upgrade your outdoor restaurant furniture or stock up for the next outdoor season!
Click here to view the latest listing of Closeout Sale items! Here are some quick views of sample items:
BFM Abri Micro Mesh Side Chair
BFM Alexa Tubular Steel Arm Chair
Quantities are limited, so order today!
Call 610-674-3122 to speak with our representatives to discuss your project and help you identify the colors, stock, lead time, and budget to best fit your needs, or click Outdoor Restaurant Seating to shop at our site and read relevant articles.
Outdoor Restaurant Seating offers the best value in indoor and outdoor commercial furniture including chairs, tables, barstools, sectionals, and accessories for restaurants, cafes, social clubs, and other organizations that offer dining experiences. Restaurant owners and managers depend on us to factor in space use, outdoor conditions, and high-quality furniture to deliver comfortable accommodations for patrons and—most importantly—the best return on investment.